
Iridology refers to the assessment of the body by examining the irides, the coloured area of the eye.  This assessment helps to determine imbalances, conditions and levels of health; it is not used for diagnosis of diseases.

Iridology has been practised for more than 400 years and is a safe. Over the centuries practitioners mapped the structure of the iris as it relates to the rest of the body. Specific areas of the irides correspond to specific organs, tissues and body areas; and colours and textures suggest biochemical changes. The iris is one of the most complex structures of human anatomy. More recently, doctors have been able to study patients before and after operations, confirm signs within the iris, and compare with the tissues and organs by the use of autopsies.

Iridology reveals amongst others the following:

  • Your constitutional genetic strength
  • Whether there is a system in the body that is underactive or overactive.
  • Inflammation and congestion in the body.
  • Accumulation of toxins in the body.
  • Macro and micronutrient imbalances.
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